
Welcome to my 'just-in-case' blog site...just in case, you arrived at the wrong blog address!

Please visit the REAL FibroModem blog at

You'll be able to look around - you can read posts, learn about treatments or just go shopping. There is lots to do so, click on something and see where it leads you... I am not a doctor or any other kind of expert in Fibromyalgia (FM)– I am just a fellow sufferer who is sharing what I am doing to combat this awful condition. If you want to know more about me, please have a look at Background Check

But I do want you to know that you are NOT alone in this battle against this horrible (and sometimes debilitating) condition.  
There are thousands, millions of people who suffer from FM. Please join our VISIBLE Army to help make our condition more visible. Everybody can spread FM awareness – not just people with FM! 

If you happen to enjoy my writing, or just want more information about FM, I have started an e-mag called LIVING WELL WITH FIBROMYALGIA – it’s free to subscribe. Just click the link, in the right column, to go to the subscribe form. I also welcome contributions at 

HeaderI have also started FCK, a Fibromyalgia blog directory - if you would like to read more, about others who are fighting the same daily battles as you. 

We need to get working if we are ever going to get these doctors in gear about our condition.